Villa San Fabiano

Nella Villa Agriturismo San Fabiano, potrai scoprire l’autentico stile di vita toscano.

La nostra Villa è il luogo perfetto per una vacanza affascinante nel cuore delle dolci colline senesi. Il Conte Filippo Fiorentini e sua moglie Rachel non vedono l’ora di darvi il benvenuto in questo luogo unico.

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185 messaggi.
Maggie Keeling da United Kingdom pubblicato il 3 Giugno 2023
Eleven of us, aged from 2 years to 75 years,come to celebrate the Golden Wedding Anniversary of David & Maggie .There was much excitement once we had booked and w e were not disappointed!The villa was perfect for us all,and we have very well looked after by Xuanna and Silvana delicious breakfasts!We enjoyed trips to Siena and our visit to Andreas Castle. Maggie Keeling
Eleven of us, aged from 2 years to 75 years,come to celebrate the Golden Wedding Anniversary of David & Maggie .There was much excitement once we had booked and w e were not disappointed!The villa was perfect for us all,and we have very well looked after by Xuanna and Silvana delicious breakfasts!We enjoyed trips to Siena and our visit to Andreas Castle. Maggie Keeling
Dinar Ronit da israel pubblicato il 9 Aprile 2023
Dearest Filippo and Rachel, thank you both for making our stay at your wonderful property so special. This was our first time that we all spent a holiday/vacatiion together and it will not be the last. Your home was just what we were looking for, spacious, comfortable and the grounds are spectacular. We all loved everything about San Fabiano and hope to return again very soonì
Dearest Filippo and Rachel, thank you both for making our stay at your wonderful property so special. This was our first time that we all spent a holiday/vacatiion together and it will not be the last. Your home was just what we were looking for, spacious, comfortable and the grounds are spectacular. We all loved everything about San Fabiano and hope to return again very soonì
Meghan Flounlacker da stati uniti pubblicato il 8 Novembre 2022
Filippo and Rachel,wow! your home and property could not represent this beautiful country better.amazing, quiet, joyous,clean,charming,a " home away from home".
Filippo and Rachel,wow! your home and property could not represent this beautiful country better.amazing, quiet, joyous,clean,charming,a " home away from home".
Dinna Davis da USA pubblicato il 8 Ottobre 2022
Filippo, Rachel, Sebastian, Thank you so much for the local insight on where to go and eat! The Villa took much good care of us and it was just home away from home. Everyone was friendly, helpful and attentive, and made our trip extra memorable. Our favorite places were San Gimignano, Arezzo, Siena, and wineries (Ricasoli, Banfi, Brunello di Montalcino). The sunsets by the pool were amazing! Truly enjoyed the quiet and peacefulness of the villa
Filippo, Rachel, Sebastian, Thank you so much for the local insight on where to go and eat! The Villa took much good care of us and it was just home away from home. Everyone was friendly, helpful and attentive, and made our trip extra memorable. Our favorite places were San Gimignano, Arezzo, Siena, and wineries (Ricasoli, Banfi, Brunello di Montalcino). The sunsets by the pool were amazing! Truly enjoyed the quiet and peacefulness of the villa
Neil Avison pubblicato il 25 Settembre 2022
Filipppo Rachel and Sebastian After three years of trying to have a Tuscany vacation with all of our friends, we finally succeed. everyone fully enjoyed our stay at your wonderful villa. We want to thank you all and especially johanna and silvana for supporting our stay. Neil Avison
Filipppo Rachel and Sebastian After three years of trying to have a Tuscany vacation with all of our friends, we finally succeed. everyone fully enjoyed our stay at your wonderful villa. We want to thank you all and especially johanna and silvana for supporting our stay. Neil Avison